Welcome to the Pitch! Podcast Website!

Our brand new website and subscription tiers are now available. Thanks to all our listeners!

You've been asking, and today we finally deliver. The next big step in our Pitch! evolution: a dedicated website.

Our Goals

  • To have a home. Podcast listeners are spread out across many platforms, and communication is mostly one way – Us to You. Here we can still provide regular updates about the show without being dependent on flaky and ever changing social media sites, and you can provide feedback to us (should you want to).
  • To create more interaction between listeners and hosts. We think podcasts are more fun when listeners become part of the show. To that end, all our posts allow comments, and we've set up multiple discussion threads to facilitate conversations. Give us your feedback. Ask us questions. Share your pitching stories. Most importantly, be nice. We're hoping to create a safe community for writers to converse. (On that note, we'll be monitoring the comment threads. We'll delete anything we find objectionable, and we'll look out for bad actors. This is an experiment, so we'll adjust as needed. If you see harassment of any kind, please contact us.)
  • Our last and most obvious goal is to increase listenership and, if we're being honest, revenue. A lot of work goes into setting up interviews, recording/producing episodes, and distribution. This site gives us more opportunities to line up sponsors, to advertise, to measure performance, and to create new value for premium subscribers.

Updates to our Premium Format

We launched Pitch! in the spring of 2023 with the goal of opening the door to Hollywood for new screenwriters. Each week, we released two episodes. The first was a free episode with conversations and interviews about screenwriting. The second episode was for premium subscribers, and it included pitches by screenwriters and table reads of their scripts. We wanted to improve our pitching skills by listening to others, and we hoped our podcast would serve as a discovery platform for those writers.

Unfortunately, we failed to predict the WGA strike and its longevity.

It seemed improper to highlight pitches for movie ideas during a writers strike, so we stopped releasing new pitches immediately after the announcement.

That left almost no additional value for our premium subscribers.

So we're shaking things up with this website and a new subscription model.

Our Subscription Tiers

Previously, subscribers had one option: Premium - $10/month for ad-free episodes and Pitches.

Now we offer 4 tiers with various perks. The lowest tier is FREE. If you click the Subscribe button on our site, you'll see all the benefits.

Previously published pitches are now available to lower tier subscribers and new pitches will be included when the strike eventually ends. Other perks include access to livestreams with our hosts, member-only Q&A threads, merch discounts, behind the scenes updates, and more.

Once we've been running for a little while, we'll formally solicit feedback on the subscriber tiers and benefits. If you want to provide feedback now, simply use the Contact form.

Our Thanks

When we launched this podcast, we hoped to create a resource for screenwriters. If you're reading this, you've helped make that possible. We're blown away by the thousands and thousands of listens, the feedback about our guests and episodes, as well as all the kind words.

You have our appreciation and our thanks.

We're currently planning season two. We think this website will help us go bigger with more content and new stellar guests. So please share the word, and we'll keep at it.


The Pitch! Team (Leah, Angel, and Kevin)

P.S. - The site is brand new and may need some wrinkles ironed out. If you see anything problematic, let us know. And thanks for your patience!

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