WGA Strike Support & Resources
A collection of trusted sources and links to resources for everyone dealing with the WGA screenwriters strike.
At Pitch!, we stand with writers. We believe all writers deserve fair and equitable pay and royalties. Below we've gathered what we believe is useful info, sources, and resources. We'll continue to update as the strike continues.
Strike Information
We stand with the WGA and SAG and have been on the strike lines with you as pre-WGA and as SAG. During the WGA and SAG strike we want to point to legitimate avenues of information, such as:
- Script Notes: https://scriptnotes.net/
- Strike Talk Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deadline-strike-talk/id1686019933
- Wall Street Journal: https://www.wsj.com/business/media/hollywood-studios-make-public-their-latest-offer-to-striking-writers-6d88e152
- WGA captains on Twitter like: @eddie_rachel, @TerriKopp2it, @shawnwines, @JenniferVestuto, @MelissaMarlette, @taylororci, @geetikalizardi etc.
Remember, there's a lot of misinformation out there so check the legitimacy first and only go to reputed sources of information. This list is a good start.
For all of those preWGA and WGA writers going through rough times right now, here are some organizations who can financially help you:
- https://entertainmentcommunity.org/am-i-eligible-help
- https://mptf.com/about-us/
- https://pen.org/us-writers-aid-initiative/
- https://twitter.com/msjoellegarf/status/1671937601908129792?lang=en (grocery aid brought to you by Green Envelope headed up by Joelle Garfinkel
- (this lists several resources for aid): https://www.writeinclusion.org/strikeresources
- Resources for WGA Writers in Financial Need